Tax Preparation Service Agreement
Dear Client,
Thank you for choosing Shields Tax & CPA, PLLC to assist you with your 2024 taxes. This letter confirms the terms of our engagement with you and outlines the nature and extent of the services we will provide.
We will prepare your 2024 federal and state and/or local income tax return(s). We will depend on you to provide the information we need to prepare complete and accurate returns. We may ask you to clarify some items but will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit.
We will provide you with access to a tax questionnaire to help you collect the data required for your return. The questionnaire will help you avoid overlooking important information. By using it, you will contribute to the efficient preparation of your returns and help minimize the price for our services.
Our work will not include procedures to find defalcations or other irregularities. Accordingly, our engagement should not be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, though it may be necessary for you to clarify some of the information you submit. We will inform you of any material errors, fraud, or other illegal acts we discover.
Should we encounter instances of unclear tax law, or of potential conflicts in the interpretation of the law, we will outline the reasonable courses of action and the risks and consequences of each. We will ultimately adopt, on your behalf, the alternative you select.
The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability. Contact us if you have concerns or would like us to help you avoid such penalties.
Accounting, bookkeeping, tax planning, tax resolution, advisory, and other professional services are not within the scope of this engagement. If you ask us to provide these services, we will confirm this representation in a separate services agreement.
Assisting you with your compliance with the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), including beneficial ownership information (“BOI”) reporting, is not within the scope of this engagement. You have sole responsibility for your compliance with the CTA, including its BOI reporting requirements and the collection of relevant ownership information. We shall have no liability resulting from your failure to comply with CTA.
Invoices are due and payable upon presentation. Tax returns will not be electronically filed until your invoice is paid. Deposits are nonrefundable.
We will provide electronic access to your original records at the end of this engagement and retain physical copies for pickup for up to 180 days from the date of return completion after which they will be shredded, and digital copies will remain available for 3 years. Store these records, along with all supporting documents, canceled checks, etc., in a secure location in case these items are needed to prove accuracy and completeness of a return. We retain copies of your records and our workpapers for your engagement for three years.
Our engagement to prepare your 2024 tax return(s) will conclude with the delivery of the completed return(s) to you (if paper filing), or your signature and our subsequent submittal of your tax return(s), if e-filing. If you have not selected to e-file your returns with our office, you will solely be responsible for filing the returns with the appropriate taxing authorities by mail. We recommend certified mail, return receipt requested, to prove your filing date. Review all tax return documents carefully before signing them.
If you would like us to apply for an extension of time to file your tax return(s), you must notify us of this request. Failure to file an extension of time to file can result in penalties.
We reserve the right to withdrawal from this engagement under any of the following circumstances:
We do not receive a response within 30 days after attempting to reach you by email and phone.
The engagement has not been completed within 180 days because complete information has not been submitted.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please note that you are affirming to Shields Tax & CPA, PLLC, your understanding of, and agreement to, the terms and conditions of this engagement by any one of the following actions:
Providing your income tax information to us for preparation of your return(s)
The submission of the tax return(s) we have prepared for you to the taxing authorities, or,
Payment for our tax preparation services.
Yours Truly,
The Shields Tax Team